Why suicide?

In most cases, the cause of suicide is a deep state of depression or disease which is one of the symptoms of depression, which appears when the chemical balance in the human brain unwavering or cut a certain way. Alanslan healthy do not commit suicide, a man depressed thinking differs from healthy human thinking, so that the disease prevents them from seeing the future. They think only in the present and can not afford to look at the future. Sometimes do not understand that the disease Jader treatment and feel that no one can help. Do not think to ask for help. Do not think people in Holhm- family and friends, because of the disease. Afmanm pain, psychological and sometimes physical, too, which turns to non-portable. See no avail. Feel a lack of hope and lack of benefit. Do not want to die, but death seems only as the solution to the pain, despite the fact that the solution is not logical. In the presence of depression is not Hr- option rights are not looking for him, just as that man is not looking for cancer or diabetes. But the treatment of depression, after the man can better feeling as before!   Altzkr- must integrate depression with alcohol or drug deadly. Many people are trying to alleviate the symptoms of the disease with the help of alcohol and drugs, but these only increase the severity of the disease. In addition, alcohol and drugs are another risk factor, so they lean good governance and increase in reckless behavior. Are those who attempt suicide are trying to proof is what? For example: they feel bad show and get support? They are not doing it to prove something, but do attempt indicates the call for help that should not be condoned. This is a warning to those around them that something is not quite. In many cases, the human is unable to express his tragedy, Vhola have the means to express them. Therefore, the suicide attempt is something that should concern them seriously. People who have attempted suicide in the past, and caught it in danger experience again and possibly succeed in the attempt that did not receive appropriate assistance.   Are you depressed man can hide his depression and pretend to happiness? We know that many of these people can hide their feelings and pretend happiness. But Would the man who intends to commit suicide pretend happiness? Yes, he can. However, in most cases gives the codes to the extent of his despair. These symbols of minutes that you should pay attention to it. Human symbol he can think of suicide. For example, he can say, "It's better without me," or "this does not matter, I'm not here for a long time." These sentences must be interpreted as an indicator of risk, not just words fiddling. It is estimated that 80% of people who commit suicide have been reported in the past in its intentions to commit suicide for a friend or a family member before their death. Other risk symbols include excessive interest in death, loss of interest in things that were important in the past, the distribution of their belongings, the large number of "incidents" in recent times such as driving at high speed and lack of attention, in addition to the lack of interest in general. There are people that Thze the subject of suicide, but these things should give importance and attention to it. Is the probability increases for someone to commit suicide, if a family member or friend has committed suicide? We know that suicide related to the family, but also believe that the reason for the suicide of hereditary diseases in major depressive nature. Therefore, the lack of treatment may lead to suicide. Speak on the topic of suicide, and the awareness that one of the family members committed suicide, does not put in danger the human, if healthy. People who are at risk are those impressionable Altather- because of depressive illnesses. The risk rises is not therapy. Why do not they talk about depression and suicide?   The main reason is the stigma. People who suffer from depression are afraid of the community thought they Mokhtla mind, this is not true. Indeed, the community has not yet accept depression as a disease like other diseases. Alcoholism is Manasp- example in the past did not want to talk openly about the subject, and now there is a change in the vision community to him. The presence of the disease in the family, it is easy to talk about. On the impact of the disease on the course of life and different methods of treatment. Today there are all of the idea of ​​addiction to alcohol and ways to abstain. To commit suicide on the other hand, no history of being a taboo subject, which is better forgotten, hide. So more people are dying. Many misunderstand suicide Therefore these myths are dominant. Ban prevents access to community treatment and prevents access to more information about the disease. The accepted interpretations contained about suicide and depression, many people to survive. Do you talk about the topic "Iefa"? Research concerning "to talk about the topic" compared with medical treatment against depression, indicate that in cases of mild depression, talk about the issue with the processor ease some symptoms. But he has proved to be cases of serious depression, to speak on the subject will not make the disease go away. This is similar to persuade people not to join a heart attack, that's just impossible. In most cases, the human need medical treatment. Several research has shown that the integration of treatment of mental disorders and medicines against depression is the most successful means for people who suffer from depression. Why are people trying to commit suicide when they seem to have in case better than before? Sometimes people who are suffering from a serious depression bearing have not the courage to do so. But the status of the disease in the vulva, begin to feel that their strength has returned, though, so they feel a lack of hope. There is a hypothesis that these people are subject to the feelings of Ail, because they are incapable of conflict. So even fear at least to some extent, they seem even more equilibrium. Even if they died in the suicide, this does not imply that suicide was their choice. If given the chance, to have returned to their lives as they were in the past. In the case of man has "decided", we can not prevent it? Yes !! People who are thinking about suicide, shimmying in thinking between life and death. They do not want to die, but only the demise of the pain. When they realize that there is a cure, this gives them hope. Should not "give up" only because it had "decided.


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