The black mamba

Snake Almamba black one the most dangerous snakes in the world, and the snake Almamba is the longest snake in toxic in Africa, where the length of the snake black Moumba about 2.5 meters has sometimes up to 4.3 meters and is considered snake black Moumba one of the most dangerous animals in the world and one more animals deadliest in the world . Snake black mamba one the most dangerous snakes Snake black mamba famous call it strong and great size and its offensive fierce on the victim, and the famous snake black Moumba also termed as the fastest the fastest types of snakes and able to move in less than 5.4 meters per second meaning that the snake black Moumba speed of 16-20 km per hour. Marking snake black Moumba nervous system of the victim and tragic attack to bite one of the snake black Moumba produces venom capable of killing in 2040 a man deep and contain poison snake black Moumba materials and enzymes digestive where the snake begins to digest the prey in the mouth before they reach the stomach and dwelling black Moumba in southern Ethiopia and also in South Africa. Snake black mamba one the most dangerous snakes Classifies reptiles and experts scholars in the wild snake black Moumba Kochers snake in the world, and the snake black mubma did not acquire its name from the color of its body is not passwd, but this name has gained from the color of the mucous membrane lining of the mouth, which is used as a method of terror to its enemies, and the black Moumba can stand crane headed by a meter from the ground and mamba snake can move very quickly and craned her head half a meter from the ground. the black mamba is one of the most dangerous snakes And the black mamba snake nocturnal living where disappear in burrows during the day and come out at night to hunt their prey. The average age of the black snake Moumba about 12 years and put the snake Female Moumba about 17 eggs in the hole and the eggs hatch after about 3 months during the summer season.


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