Tried a lot of scientists, institutions and organizations to find a unified and comprehensive definition of desertification, and it remained for a short period is the subject of debate by the relevant United Nations bodies. However, the latest definition passed in the year (1994) under the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification, and stipulates that the Desertification means land degradation in arid and semi-arid regions, and in arid regions and sub-humid which result from various factors, including climatic variations and human activities.
Defines desertification as a decrease in the biological production of the land's capacity, or the deterioration of the fertility of land producing at the rate earned by conditions similar to weather the desert, so the desertification leads to lower production of plant life, and I have total desertified areas in the world amounted to about 46 million square kilometers for the Arab World of which about 13 million square kilometers, or about 28% of the total desertified areas in the world, desertification affects a catastrophic impact on the economic situation of the country, which leads to the loss of up to $ 40 billion annually in agricultural crops and increase their prices.
Recognizing that face desertification a global responsibility, the United Nations drafted a treaty to combat the spread of the phenomenon of desertification, and became such a treaty in force at December 26 / December 1996, when ratified by at that time (60) countries, bringing the number later to more than that. It is worth mentioning here is that this treaty aims to oblige states on the implementation of actions on the ground to combat desertification and the protection of the environment and natural resources, has been allocated in 2006 globally years to combat desertification.
The Arab countries, by virtue of its geographical location, of the most fragile ecosystems, where climate plays an important role in the composition of the dry areas, and increase the negative effects of this phenomenon is prevalent at a rapid rate due to the temperature rise caused by global warming.
Desertification and sweeping the Arab territories at a time when rising agricultural and livestock production ratio to meet the population growth and the rise in the standard of living has become a very urgent need, where it is estimated the United Nations Environment Programme and the value of lost productivity annually in developing countries due to desertification by about $ 16 billion.
Participated Kingdom active participation in previous conferences organized by the United Nations to address this threat, which reflects the extent of the anxiety you feel from desertification and the resulting social and cultural environmental and economic effects, development is the modern concept exceeded economic growth to preserve the environment and natural resources .
Causes of desertification:
Attributed the causes of desertification to climate change and to exploit the extensive natural resources, and the link between these two factors indicates that desertification is caused by the interactions and relationships are complex between natural and vital factors on the one hand and between the social, cultural, political and economic factors on the other hand. And summarizing the causes of desertification, including the following:
• lack of rain.
• repeat the phenomenon of drought.
• high temperatures.
• Increased population activity.
• degradation of vegetation as a result of overgrazing and logging.
• water erosion and wind gusts.
• wrong agricultural methods that cause the deterioration of agricultural land.
The implications of the phenomenon of desertification and loss of biodiversity:
• Environmental effects: The loss of biodiversity and the degradation of the soil and hence low productivity and the loss of the ability of human and environmental systems to adapt to climate change, and provoke dust storms and sand encroachment that threatens the economic and social facilities and farms, among others.
• Economic effects: The weakness in the production and lack of employment opportunities and lack of industrial development opportunities associated with agricultural products, and the low per capita income and national level.
• Social Impacts: The poverty and migration from the countryside to towns and cities and the consequent of urban problems and an increase in the high crime rate and other population.
Rationale for the study and control desertification in Saudi Arabia:
Saudi Arabia is classified as arid regions affected strongly by the increasing effects of desertification on all regions with the exception of the south-western region, which lies within the semi-arid region because of the multiplicity of rain by the seasons and exposure to high amounts of rainfall, and show the effects of desertification in most parts of the UK and can be monitored through the transformation of many from agricultural areas and valleys rich water to the land barren due to lack of rain and attrition over-water sources and the migration of many who are working in agriculture for their business and residential areas to the cities, which led to productive land degradation and multiply the effects of desertification in these areas, and the longer the valleys of Makkah region, such as the valleys of Fatima Noman and valleys the southern region, such as: Bisha and triangulation of the most important examples of the effects of desertification in spite of exposure to rain amounts somewhat heavy.
Given the wealth of the territory of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia from the rich and diverse natural resources that form the base of its economy and standard of living of its population, but these resources began to characterize fragile as a result of environmental conditions harsh dry climate and semi-dry and the soil is fertile, in most cases. These resources are suffering from a significant deterioration which led to the spread of desertification.
From this standpoint, established the Saudi Geological Survey desertification studies program to study the causes of the phenomenon of desertification and evaluation of degraded land and propose the best solutions to minimize their impact.
Desertification studies aimed to find out the degree and extent of desertification in different regions of the Kingdom and to identify where desertification indicators, and define the hydrological and hydrogeological and climatic and geological factors causing desertification, and in the following manner:
• inventory and assessment of current land uses.
• Identify areas prone to desertification through remote sensing techniques and geographic information systems in the analysis and monitoring.
• Implementation of some field studies of the areas prone to degradation, including hydrological studies, and the study of the properties of the soil, and to determine the natural vegetation and planted and how Tdhorhma.
• assess the validity of land for different uses, and the optimal proposal consistent with the march of agricultural and social development in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
• Develop a monitoring program to determine the current deterioration in the territories, as well as to control sand encroachment.
• Develop appropriate scientific solutions and recommendations to curb the spread of the phenomenon of desertification and preserve the areas that will be vulnerable to deterioration in the future.
• Identify the factors that help to guide the development of infrastructure and economic development of local communities and improve their living conditions.
• training of national cadres in the preparation of land use maps, and monitoring and evaluation of the changes that occur, and create and manage databases.
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