Stop smoking

Tobacco control is a top priority among the priorities of the Department of Public Health at the Health Authority of Abu Dhabi, and the pursuit of a smoke-free environment is a key strategy Fei tobacco control program in the Health Authority. And launched awareness campaign to combat tobacco annually, under the slogan "Together towards Abu Dhabi free from tobacco." The program aims to raise public awareness in the community about the negative effects of tobacco use and the importance of quitting and staying away from exposure to secondhand smoke and a healthy lifestyle. About smoking: What are the dangers of smoking? Smoking leads to infection with many diseases and health crises Chalskth heart attack and stroke, and respiratory diseases and cancer (particularly lung cancer), in addition to other health problems and thus premature death. In addition, the symptoms that result from injury to one resulting from smoking leads to increased nervous and stress diseases and thus adversely affect the quality of life from an early age and it is limited to health, smoking also affects the appearance of your skin, which makes you look larger than the real age. And also affect the sense of taste of food may cause for impotence in men. Even if you are not interested in your health and wellbeing, you should be aware that smoking around displays of involuntary smoking / passive. Involuntary smoking / passive is an inhalation of tobacco smoke from smokers. If you decided to continue smoking exposure family members and friends of the injured multiple types of cancers as well as heart disease and lung. It also affects of smoking on children and exposing them more to diseases such as cirrhosis of the ear and asthma. It is worth mentioning here that the children of smokers are more prone to 3 times for children of non-smokers for smoking addiction in the future. Is it true the argument that smoking shisha is lighter than smoking cigarettes? The shisha is a major threat to your health, just as cigarettes do; the smoke filtering through the water does not make it more healthy, where recent studies have shown that smoking shisha is equivalent to at least 40 cigarettes, all kinds of smoking, whether it be smoking cigars or Madauj or cigarettes or shisha heh harmful to health. What is the damage or dizziness Almdoakh? Dizziness (meaning the rotor) is Abarhan blend of tobacco smoked in a pipe called "Almdoakh", is a widespread phenomenon among some young people recently unknown source, and the belief that it is less Dharara of cigarettes is a serious mistake, as research published recently has shown that smoking Almdoakh contains a high percentage of nicotine up to five times its contents regular cigarettes. Is the electronic cigarette safe? Public health experts have warned of the dangers Sahahadh may result from the electronic cigarette consumption is not considered as a means to stop smoking. Is Smoking causes addiction? The nicotine in tobacco is responsible for smoking addiction, because it causes changes in the brain which makes people want more and more using it, in addition to that, the addiction to any kind of narcotic substances cause withdrawal symptoms is grainy. Of the most important reasons that are difficult to quit smoking process is non-grainy symptoms that result from decreasing the material that a person addicted to them in the body compared to the happy feelings created by the presence of the drugs for a period. Characteristics that determine tobacco similar to those that determine addiction to drugs such as heroin and cocaine addiction. But with the right help you quit! What are the symptoms of nicotine withdrawal? Ease of arousal, nervousness / impatience / hostile / anxiety / frustration / difficulty concentrating / insomnia / low heart rate / increased appetite or weight gain. Benefits of quitting smoking Stopping smoking is not easy, but when you notice a radical improvement to your life and your health after stopping smoking, will also help those around you to quit smoking. Stop smoking will reduce the risk of disease, disability or death resulting from cancer or heart, lung or peripheral vascular, which could lead for example to amputation diseases diseases. Protect the health of those around you not subjected to involuntary smoking. Improve the level of fertility and thus have a safe pregnancy and a healthy baby. Improve breathing and fitness in general. Enjoy the taste of the food is better. Improve skin appearance clearly. Will not be repulsive smell The appearance of your skin and teeth will improve. Your home will become more recovery and purity, where you will get rid of the smell of tobacco adhesion furniture and walls of your home. Reduce the risk of fire in your home


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