Alternative Energy

the idea of ​​using solar energy existed since ancient times. But from the late 1970s technology to make it a reality emerged. The basic process is simple. Where the focus rays compilation tools to light following the sun and converts it into energy. And this can be done in several ways, depending on whether the goal is for the production of electricity or water, swimming pool heating. The biggest obstacle for solar energy is the cost of installation. As the solar energy equipment cost much more than conventional energy equipment. It takes many years of use to pay for this investment. Despite the high cost, the solar energy a practical way to provide additional cities card. In rural areas, where the rising cost of installing power lines, solar energy become a better option for electricity. Hydroelectric energy (Hydroelectric Power) Energy use hydroelectric energy from falling water to move the turbines and generate electricity. Energy generated in this way depends on the control-flow water like a river through the dam-mostly. Energy and electric water has many advantages. It is known as renewable energy. The generator that works with water produces no emissions. And determines the water flow is controlled by, who Almuamml- amount of electricity produced, and therefore can supply power on demand. And about 20% of the world's electricity comes from this source. The leadership in the use of this type of energy is the states Norway, Russia, China, the United States, Canada, and Brazil. Biomass fuel The word "biomass" (Biomass) describe any remnants of plant altogether -vdilat wood, agriculture, and waste-as well as certain crops are used as fuel. This waste comes from different industries such as logging, or construction, or paper, and agricultural residues from agriculture, and even of the solid waste in the territory of the landfill and the methane that is emitted from them. In addition, there are some herbs that are developed in order to be fermented into biofuel. The primary use of this fuel - mostly around the world is the wood waste, is burned along with coal in electricity production plants. The extraction of fossil fuels (Biofuel) the second most important uses of biomass. And ethanol can be used alone or as an addition to gasoline. Brazil, where most of the vehicles running on ethanol. And can bio-diesel (Biodiesel) - extracted from vegetable oil and animal fat, oils consumed in, restaurants, to solve completely normal diesel shop. It also can be used in combination with it. And the largest producer and user of bio-diesel is Germany. Although it burns and produces carbon dioxide, but the biomass fuel is considered "carbon-neutral". Issued carbon gas from fossil fuels and ever since, pushing more of this gas to the atmosphere. But this amount emitted from the burning of biomass fuel is consumed by the plants that were planted to replace it. However, the fossil fuel remains in production and using biomass fuel, to operate the farm tools, and to provide fuel trucks, and other operations. At this stage, no longer biomass fuel carbon-neutral right. Yet in the end is reduces carbon emissions and is a step in the right direction. Wind Energy (Wind Power) Windmills were common around the world to be replaced by steam engines and then electricity. And increased attention Btorbinat huge air at the high price of oil in the years of 1970 and in 1980, the wind farms began -the rows of Ataiwrbinat- spread in rural areas all over the world. The first user of wind power are Germany, the United States, Denmark and Spain, as well as India and China are the two countries that follow in this rapidly behind. Air turbines generate power when the wind moved the huge helicopters. These helicopters relate generator, produces electricity. A huge wind farms that provide basic needs to the full power companies. The smaller wind farms and individual air mills that it can cover the needs of homes, dishes and telecommunications, and water pumps. As is the case in the solar energy, wind farm requires the construction of a large initial investment, but the proceeds do not benefit quickly. Geothermal energy of the Earth (Geothermal Energy) That groundwater energy use of the land and natural phenomena such as hot springs and steam nozzles to produce electricity or to supply the area with hot water. These labs are sent to the rising steam turbines to the surface of the earth revolve turbines, and generators running. Established the first power plant in the groundwater Arderelo, in Italy, in 1904 and is still active until this lab today. That the United States, and Oaslandh, the Philippines, El Salvador, Russia, Kenya and Tibet are among the 24 countries that use the 8,900 megawatts of electricity generated from geothermal plants in 2005. heating thermal direct hot water on the surface of the Earth-like springs Alharh- uses In order to heat homes and other buildings. And the equivalent of more than 16,000 megawatts of energy came from underground heat sources in 72 countries in 2005 Nuclear Energy (Nuclear power) Nuclear energy emerged as an alternative to fossil fuels in 1970. The plants where the process of nuclear fission in the conditions of the court, for the production of energy. And have balanced low-cost fuel the financial investment required to build nuclear power plants, and led to the extraction of the cheapest energy. Although major accidents that occurred at Three Mile Island in Pennsylvania and Chernobyl in the Ukraine, nuclear energy will continue being a vital source of energy in several areas. Nuclear power provides about 16% of the world's energy in 70 countries. And is a major source of energy in countries that lack the natural sources of fossil fuels. And both France and Japan in particular has an active nuclear power programs. And many laboratories now include protection systems in order to prevent the core from gonorrhea and prevent the release of radioactive materials. However, there remain about the user Marqat fuel waste, which can be used to make nuclear weapons. Ocean Energy (Ocean Power) The Tidal power plant uses the energy from the flow of the waves to and from the Gulf or from the mouth of the river. There is a special called reservoir dam (barrage) waves separated area to upper and lower basins. Moving turbines reservoir when water flowing from the basin to another, depending on the direction of the wave. This Turbin drives the generator to produce electricity Created wave power plant is expensive, so the plant must be able to produce enough energy to give the value of the investment. This happens when there is a difference at a rate of at least 5 Omtaraly in water level between the islands and the tide. Any less than this rate does not generate enough energy to make the lab a financial feasibility. There are only 40 sites in the world where these standards are available. And months of the wave energy plant is not Rance station in Brittany in France. There are other sites such as the Annapolis Royal plant in Nova Scotia, Canada, as well as plants in Russia, China, India, and Wales. Cooling and heating inherent (Passive Heating & Cooling) One way to heat or cool your home is renewed through the heating and cooling techniques underlying. This method uses a combination of solar energy with the design and construction techniques for heating the building in winter and cool in summer.


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