Ball lightning

During World War II bombers, air crews some exposure to the mysterious phenomena was sometimes scary, one of them the appearance of glowing balls of light without prior warning inside the plane and deviation slowly across the room navigators to disappear when the guilt of the plane. No one was able to explain this phenomenon, and in the years following the war stuck enthusiasts of the phenomena of flying saucers phenomenon balls telegram incandescent to launch different interpretations of their theories agree, it was these claims that these glowing balls is a satellite vans espionage send spacecraft orbiting the Earth, nor this theory still exists in the literature on the plane or Basahon UFO UFO and has been expanding on the stories that got in the war to include the accounts of the objects appear in civil aircraft, despite the fact that today we know a lot about what is really light balls. This optical balls are a Western phenomenon known to scientists lightning spherical ball lightning, which are displayed from the phenomena of nature, not of full scientific explanation yet. Lightning appears in the form of a glowing spherical balls move freely through the air and have the ability to penetrate solid objects appearing inside buildings, aircraft and ball size usually ranges between cable diameter circular Sntmitrin equal access to the circular diameter approximately forty or fifty centimeters. And connects these balls occurrence telegram thunderstorms storms that lightning optical infested, although it had nothing to do with this lightning at all and be lightning spherical usually yellow or red or white color may be sometimes green or purple, in some cases, broadcast balls telegram radiation light blue . And slip the ball through the air full silently, although it launches in a few times, whispering voices and can endure the emergence of these balls one minute or more before its demise and be Amadja eclipse because they simply explode or disappear launch of high volume, leaving behind the smell of ozone. Ball Lightning and usually bear a lot of energy and I've got an estimate of this energy when it entered one of the balls telegram barrels of water and led to heated, and lead the telegram balls also hit houses and cut telephone wires and burning window frames, show the accounts that ball telegram mentioned previously launched several units of MJ megajoules of energy equal to the product of kilowatt electric heater operates card and one for an hour. And over the years was a lot of theories that explain the lightning balls or lightning spherical. In the seventies of this century, scientists suggested in a weather research centers in America that thunderstorms can behave course accelerators natural molecules that produces protons that carry high power of up to one megabyte Aketronfult, and these protons can be under the nuclear reactions on collision with atomic nuclei in the Earth's atmosphere, producing oxygen and fluorine isotopes, these isotopes so eroded broadcast positron and gamma radiation, which provides the necessary energy to produce the ball Telegraph. Another theory says that the balls telegram is a molecule minutes of pesticides article antimatter theory for each basic type of particle counter or fungicide carry the same mass but opposite sign, the fundamental aspect in this theory mentioned is that it has for the confrontation between the material and the pesticide Article Anti article or get a huge release of energy in the form of gamma rays, causing mutual annihilation between matter and Mbidha. This theory also suggests that minute particles of pesticides article sneak through the Earth's atmosphere fleeing from instant annihilation that might get her to enter the atmosphere because of the barrier caused by some physical effects, and these granules become negatively charged with the broadcast of the positrons are lured in percentage of land during a thunderstorm so ultimately become unstable and potentially explosive. This theory may be more reasonable theories yet to explain the phenomenon of the telegram balls, which may explain a lot of mysterious optical phenomena in the evening....


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