
Many of us have certainly heard about Satanists phenomenon, but few know anything about this group because of the paucity of information about them in Arabic and they relate to the ideas and perceptions of mixed misunderstandings, Sometimes they are part of a Jewish conspiracy giant on the world, and sometimes they are agents of the Mossad and sometimes they Masuneon and Mazhuxion and Btikhion ... etc., but a lot of us really wants to know the truth about this community away from the media fallacies: who are they? What are their beliefs? What are the rituals? How their shape? Do they offer human sacrifices? Do you have sex with the dead? What do you mean symbols and shapes? ... Why worship the devil and what drives them to it?. Many questions revolve in the minds of each and every one of us about these people, and has tried to answer them in AVI and detailed in this article, indicating modest history and their teams and their rituals and symbols, and some of the crimes associated with them, envisaged scientific rigor committed to neutrality as much as possible. There are a lot of strange things and horrific rituals that many touting it linked servant of Satan, and have taken upon me scrutinized and moderated from their sources and the proper distinction of the fabricated so that readers have a clear idea about them. Note: There is some nudity and images within the article and are real pictures dating back to the era of the sixties for rituals that were practiced within the Church of Satan and the purpose of clarification and deliver the idea to the reader and not for the sake sparked instincts. Ritual Satanists: In fact Satanists do not agree on certain rituals, and it depends on the imagination and visualize each group, where the rituals are different and vary in the degree of extremism and perversion of the group to another, sometimes merely for being sessions to address drug and sex and sometimes to learn black magic and the desecration of religious books to read or inverted, and sometimes it comes to make offerings and sacrifices that have certain qualities such as color or black and birth defects, and in many times has sacrificed human beings ... and we can distinguish some of the characteristics that characterized by rituals and devil worship, including: 1. rituals outs of Religions: The rebel Alemmanaat on faith, and which incite contempt of God and glorify the devil and the desecration of religious books. And especially insulting and cursing Jesus because the origin of the current diabolical movements was at the beginning a rebellion against the Church and the negation of religious authority, such as the weather break the cross and his heart by circumambulation and dance in a circle around the inverted cross and then scramble toward him for the broken down, or, for example, staining the Koran faeces or urine or any other impurity and dosa feet and dance around indulging in denial of the divine power, and how much of the Koran profane in this way has been found dumped in a lot of countries. 2 - loud music and violent (as "Black metal Black Metal") Conscious is devoid of ritual Satanists Music plaque Mittal (This does not mean the country Mittal listeners are necessarily of Satanists), where this kind of music is characterized by extreme violence and Backb and pushes the individual to the frenzy and dance Bhustaria, but usually accompanied by words contain profanity God and contempt for religions and the prophets or the glorification of the world of evil and the devil, it is believed that the music beats plaque Mittal borrowed from pagan African tribes, Almtabdh of evil spirits. To Satanists poets specialize in writing words that maximizes the devil and curse the Lord, and raise instincts and fueled by, and that they have composers incorporated those words loud music with a fast rhythm, and also includes the geniuses in the psychology and science of spirituality were able to reach the great musical effect on the human body and the thinking and ways certain tunes sound layers studied accurately reach human degree frenzy and hysterical required to participate in a satanic ritual, and contains some of those songs on the incomprehensible meanings words and sometimes some inverted words (for example, the word hello become "August h t m" and so on) and known to be the heart of the way words are one of the tools that they use magicians and charlatans and have serious psychological effects, but indirectly and the subconscious mind, and the use of exotic symbols and images disgusting and loathsome and beyond the ordinary common between these teams. 3 - bloody practices: Is often necessary in the presence of blood in ritual practice, sometimes through injury to themselves or members of stealing blood bags from the hospital, and sometimes it's through the sacrifice of an animal like a cat or a dog or a bat and his throat in a special ritual and then use his blood Some washed out and the other third of them drink and used in black magic ... In some individual cases were presented as human sacrifices and mutilated and RVF and Snfsal in this later. 4 - excessive sexual practice: As we said Valdaana devilish generally calls for absolute freedom in everything and emancipation from every limitation or officer and the pursuit of satisfying sexual instinct fully satisfying, regardless of the means, and the first practical application of it think of the youth is sexually voracious, both random (ie with the person chosen at random) or abnormal (sodomy and lesbianism) or collective ... first called for by the founders of the modern devilish as "Crowley" and "Anton Levy" is pornography and the lifting of restrictions on sexual practices Kabahh homosexuality (or homosexuality, as some call it) and the legalization of prostitution and the lack of restrictions on deviant Calcadah and Almazhukip and the bdsm practices as long as it happened with the consent of both parties. Rarely devoid of concerts satanic sex, whether individual cases exercised by two or three in front of everyone, or Group sex where all attendees participate in sex of all kinds and many consider there is a chance to try new types of sex Kalloat and lesbianism, sex sadistic and otherwise 5 - attendance intensive drug and alcohol: Hardly devoid of any weather demonic presence of alcohol and drugs and the different types of mental hallucinogens, Valkhmur (sometimes replaced with blood) is to simulate the Christian religious rituals and contempt, and hallucinogens as well as mental and especially drug LSD, which is used frequently by them is indispensable because it goes the mind and perception, and one takes on a spiritual journey known as "amazing journey" and is lasting several hours addict imagine where things do not exist and feel Bahlosh can feel like a trip into outer space and make it a place separated from the frame and the time to shave away from the presence ... Add this to the drug LSD lose one's sense perception becomes ready to accept things seem difficult and acceptance of drug abuse like drinking blood and torture and slaughter of animals


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