I use the term "general development disorders," starting in 1980 to be the umbrella to describe a group of cases collected by common factors, and not a description of a diagnosis though, including variations, a neurological disorder affecting a range of intellectual and sensory growth areas, and usually appear about the third year of life and combines common factors, including the following:
o lack of social interaction and communication
o lack of creative abilities
o lack of linguistic and non-linguistic communication
o the presence of a small proportion of the activities and interests which are usually stereotyped activities duplicate.
The American Psychiatric Association issued a diagnostic manual after review and assessment in its fourth edition in 1994 Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM - IV), to be evidence of doctors and specialists used by the intellectual and behavioral disabilities, to assess the conditions that are dealing with it, has divided the general development disorders to five groups, each with its standards and conditions of the special group, these conditions must be observed and evaluated by a group of specialists in this field, to get out the right diagnosis
The difficulty of diagnosis:
Booklet aforementioned range of items and rules mode, but it is not to be used as a point of diagnosis, but as evidence of a guideline for the diagnosis of general development disorders, as there are no clear standards for assessing the degree of symptoms and severity, so the distinction between one group and the other is very difficult, a child with autism Autistic child can his condition improved and the group enters the general development disorders unspecified PDD -NO S)), and that starts with another child diagnosed as a case of public non-specific development disorders (PDD- NOS) and after a period of showing symptoms of autistic disorders make the diagnosis of autism disorder.
Must remember, that whatever the diagnosis of any of the species and the groups mentioned above, the similar treatment.
What are autism spectrum groups:
o autistic disorder Autistic disorders
Ritz disorder, disorder Rett`s
o disorder, Ospad Ospad Asperger`s disorder disorder
o crash infantile disorder Childhood Disintegrative Disorder
o Public evolution unspecified disorders
Pervasive Developmental Disorder Not Otherwise Specified (PDD -NOS)
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