city of Troy

Ancient city of Troy in Asia Minor (now Turkey), became famous through the early legends of the Greeks. Also called Ilium. Troy and the Iliad and the Odyssey, two Mlhmtan Tnspan to the Greek poet Homer (Homer), as well as Alaneyadh, epic by the Roman poet Virgil, a story about a Trojan, you may not be honest, but in a limited way. The city was named after Basmiha proportion to Allos, the legendary founder, and transmission and alos father. Trojan legendary. Big city was ruled by King Priam. The story goes that the king's son sentenced Paris in the competition between the beauty of the Greek gods Athena and Hera and Aphrodite, Aphrodite chose to win, as she had promised to marry him the most beautiful woman in the world. The Paris, after this competition, visit Mnilaos, king of Sparta, and he fell in love with his wife Helen, which had been known as the most beautiful woman in the world. He took with him to Paris, Helen of Troy, which angered Mnilaos. And I swear the people of the Greeks, who are nominated by Homer Alakhien, revenge from Paris, and the people of Troy. Thus began a campaign, led by the brother of Ogammnon Mnilaos, and annexed to his part of both Achilios (Achilles) and Odysseus (Ulysses as in Latin) and a lot of other heroes of the Greeks.   The fall of Troy became famous through legends. Greek soldiers hid inside a huge wooden horse, and the Parkers Trojans drag it into the city. Then coming out of the infiltration of the Greeks Goff Trojan horse and attacked. Greeks besieged Troy for ten years, but they failed to seize the city, which was a fortified high stone walls. Finally Odysseus ordered workers making a huge wooden horse, hid inside a number of the soldiers of the Greeks, while the rest of the Greeks pretended to sail away, leaving the horse standing outside the city walls. Aroused the curiosity of the horse Trojans, Vsahbuh into the city despite warnings from the Trojan priest Laocoon for them not to do so. That night the infiltration of soldiers coming out of the belly of the Greeks horse, and opened the city gates in front of the rest of the Greek forces, to enter the Trojan. Thus the Greeks carried out a massacre claimed the lives of the people of Troy, and looted and burned the city. Ignace has survived, the hero of Virgil's epic Alaneyadh, along with a few of the Trojans, this massacre while Paris was killed in this war and returned to Helen Mnilaos. The real Trojan. With the exception of these myths, what is known about the history of the Trojan and a few archaeologists know that Troy was founded in the early Bronze Age, which began in Asia Minor around 3000 BC. City and based on the high plain of fertile plain, located in the northwest of Turkey and the current was close to the southern end of the strait now known as the Dardanelles, which was called the Hellespont. Archaeologists have discovered nine cities built in the Trojan site, all of which are built next city on the ruins of the city that preceded it. Both the second and sixth Trojan horses, in particular, the two cities rich nations. Trojans have worked in agriculture and raising sheep and producing woolen goods, and traded with Almsinyin who were living in the land of the Greeks, and with the other peoples living along the coast of Asia Minor, overlooking the Aegean Sea. Scientists do not know very little about the real Trojan War, as archaeologists found evidence that the ancient Greeks may have been attacked Trojan, and destroyed in a campaign similar to those described by the Iliad. However, the reason for the war remained unknown. Greece scientists believe that the Trojans fell around the year 1184 BC, while many archaeologists think that the seventh city built on the site of Troy is a city that he wrote about in ancient Greek literature. These scientists believe that this city has been destroyed around 1250 BC.   Trojan site includes the remains of nine consecutive cities and stone fences that you see in the picture of the Trojan sixth, devastated by an earthquake around the fourth century BC. This may be a Trojan which was mentioned in ancient myth. Trojan archaeological. Was the first scientist to study the effects of the Trojan named Heinrich Schliemann Germany, after noticing other people, and the presence of a small cumulus pile on six kilometers from the Dardanelles, has seemed to be suitable for the geographical location of Troy, as described in the Iliad. The rubble pile These are called Hsarelik. Thus began Schliemann, the year 1870, there are potholes. He found evidence of several cities built in this location, over a long period of time, as was discovered at the end of the ruins of an ancient city with a huge excavation walls, and building houses are built well, and the hidden treasures of gold and silver. Schliemann and I think, a mistake, that this city, which he named the second Trojan, Trojan is the same as that described by Homer. In the nineties of the nineteenth century, the German archaeologist Wilhelm Dorpveld, and was an assistant for by Schliemann, conduct other excavations in Troy. He was the first researcher who know of the existence of nine cities were located in the same location. Dorpveld and I think that the sixth of which the city is the city itself, which was mentioned in Homer's Iliad. This was the city, which was launched by the name of Troy VI, larger than its predecessors, and was fortified high walls, and spacious rectangular houses, may have been built around a central palace. In 1932 he began Blegn Karl, an American scientist from the University of Cincinnati, Ohio, in the United States began a new search in the Trojan campaign. The study lasted for six years, after which confirmed the results that may Dorpveld was reached, except that I think that Blegn seventh city is the legendary Trojan. According to Blegn, Trojan represented the sixth, a key stage in the evolution of the city, although they were not mentioned in the Trojan Greek mythology. This stage was marked by the arrival of immigrants to Greece in Almsinyin participated in many of the characteristics of civilization. Trojan has been destroyed as a result of the sixth earthquake in the fourth century BC. The next city called effects seventh Trojan name scientists, were sloppy with houses and crammed, as they were less prosperous than the Trojan cities that preceded it. Seventh Trojan has been looted and burned. In spite of that Blegn was believed that the seventh is the legendary city of Troy, but the archaeologists have not been able to prove whether this city is an ancient city itself. During the period of the twelfth century to the eighth century BC, did not live in a Trojan site,. While the Greeks some settlers, in about the eighth century BC, built a small village there. Another city and was built on this site, a Trojan ninth, in the fourth century BC, the Greeks called the name of the order of Ilium has lasted seven centuries, and abandoned in about a year 400 AD, and remained until discovered by Schliemann Menboshh.


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